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Nearest Train Station


How often are you out and about and would like to know where the nearest train station or closest train station to me is located. Perhaps you're out with friends or need to drop someone off. Nearest train station shows you the location of train stations. For the nearest ten train stations select the Nearest 10 menu option.


Click marker for more information


Using the maps

Click or press on a pin to see summary details. In the pop up that appears click or press View details for more options. Move around the map and zoom as required. Click Enlarge to view a larger map or use the full screen icon (not available on iOS) to view the map using the full screen.

The green marker is your current location and the red markers are the train stations. By clicking on a train station marker you can open Google maps for more details and route information if required.

Google maps now provides train timetable information. When you reach the map the marker is shown. Click near the marker for the marker to disappear. Now you'll see the train station. Click on the train station. On a desktop or notebook computer you'll see the train station information to the left. On a mobile device you slide the station information up from the bottom of the screen. You can click on the train line link to display the times trains leave the station.

Source: Data licensed from Public Transport Victoria under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.


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